Press Release

Observance of the National and World Meteorological Day 2021

23 March 2021

Press Statement
S&T Media Service

Observance of the National and World Meteorological Day 2021

The Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Administration (DOST-PAGASA) celebrates the 156th National Meteorological Service day in conjunction with the 71st World Meteorological Day (NWMDay) on March 23, 2021. This year, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) adopted the theme, "The Oceans, our Climate, and Weather," focus on connecting these physical domains within the Earth System.

The theme underscores the role of the ocean as a major driver of the world’s weather and climate. In the Philippines, the vast area of the Pacific acts as a heat basin that is the source of energy for large-scale atmospheric systems that consequently influence local disturbances. With our changing climate contributing to higher sea surface temperatures, it is integral to understand how the ocean-atmosphere interaction impacts our weather.

For the first time, the DOST-PAGASA will observe a virtual celebration of the NWMDay due to strict restrictions amidst COVID-19 health crisis. As the country’s national hydrometeorological service, DOST-PAGASA has lined-up several activities highlighting the celebration through the conduct of the following online forums and webinars:

A scientific forum for stakeholders, partners, disaster managers and academe: "Linking Philippine Climate and Weather with Tropical Oceans" (23 March). Presentations will focus on the oceans' role in shaping our weather and climate system; the latest theories, models, observations, and the challenges of forecasting El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). As the climate continues to change, special emphasis will be given to our storied past and the transformation of DOST-PAGASA’s marine meteorological services. Foreign speakers from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, will share their expertise on the above-mentioned topics.

A Climate Forum for the Media cum Press Conference (23 March) will provide a briefer of the NWDay celebration and Preparations for the coming dry and rainy seasons.

In addition, the PAGASA will award a mobile photography contest in the afternoon (23 March), in line with this year’s theme. The photos are posted on our official Facebook page. This tradition traces its roots back to the former Philippine Weather Bureau as the first in Asia to contribute photographs of clouds in the tropical maritime climate, in collaboration with the International Meteorological Organization (precursor of the WMO) project on its first color edition of the International Cloud Atlas.

As a pre-event, the 134th Climate Forum for Stakeholders takes place (22 March) to give weather and hydrological updates, and a review and outlook of Philippine climate conditions.

The celebration will conclude with a virtual symposium: “Meteorology for Science Enthusiasts” (24 March) featuring innovations from young scientists. The gathering aims to boost our young science students' capabilities in science and technology encouraging brilliant minds to pursue research to aid climate change adaptation efforts and support early warning of high-impact weather events for disaster risk reduction.

On the auspicious occasion, the WMO commemorates the World Meteorological Organization's establishment in 1950, while in the national setting, the DOST-PAGASA celebrates the National Meteorological Day by virtue of the Proclamation No. 549 signed in 1995 during the time of then Pres. Fidel V. Ramos.

This year, the WMO celebration has added timely and appropriate global significance with the of the United Nation’s focus on the “Decade of Oceans Science for Sustainable Development” from 2021-2030.

For more detailed information, you may contact Dr. Nathaniel T. Servando, Over-all-Chair of the celebration, at the telephone number (02) 34342675 or Ms. Ma. Elena V. Tan, Over-all-Coordinator at the telephone number (02) 8929-4855.

Original Signed:
