Rainfall Advisory No. 4 #MINPRSD
Weather System: Easterlies
Issued at 08:00 AM 09 March 2025
Light to Moderate rains are expected over #Sarangani(Glan, Malapatan, Maasim, Alabel, Malungon), #DavaoOccidental(JoseAbadSantos, Malita, DonMarcelino, SantaMaria), #SouthCotabato(GeneralSantosCity), #DavaoOriental(CityOfMati, GovernorGeneroso, Tarragona, Manay, SanIsidro) and #DavaoDelNorte(CityOfTagum) within the next 2-3 hours.
Moderate to occasionally heavy rains affecting #Sulu, #TawiTawi and #Basilan which may persist within 2-3 hours and may affect nearby areas.
The public and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices concerned are advised to MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next warning to be issued at 11:00 AM Today.
As of today, there is no Thunderstorm Advisory Issued.
As of today, there is no Special Forecast Issued.