National Capital Region

Regional Forecast Issued At: 05:00 AM, 9 March, 2025
Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms 25° 30°
Wind Speed: Light to moderate
Direction: northeast
Coastal Condition: Slight to moderate
Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with isolated rainshowers or thunderstorms 25° 28°
Wind Speed: Light to moderate
Direction: northeast
Coastal Condition: Slight to moderate
Extended Weather Outlook Issued at: 09:00 AM, 9 March, 2025
25° 30°
Wind Speed Light to moderate
Direction northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to moderate
24° 32°
Wind Speed Light to moderate
Direction northeast
Coastal Condition Slight to moderate
24° 33°
Wind Speed Light to moderate
Direction east
Coastal Condition Slight to moderate
24° 33°
Wind Speed Light to moderate
Direction east
Coastal Condition Slight to moderate
24° 33°
Wind Speed Light to moderate
Direction east
Coastal Condition Slight to moderate
Rainfall Advisory No. 3 #NCR_PRSD
Weather System: Shear Line
Issued at: 8:00 AM, 09 March 2025(Sunday)

Light to moderate rains are expected over Bulacan, Metro Manila, Laguna and Cavite.

Light to moderate rains affecting Rizal and Quezon(General Nakar, Panukulan, Burdeos, Polillo, Patnanungan, Jomalig) and may affect nearby areas.

The public and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Offices concerned are advised to MONITOR the weather condition and watch for the next warning to be issued at 11:00 AM today.
For more information and queries, please call telephone numbers 8927-1335 and 8927-2877 or log on to
As of today, there is no Thunderstorm Advisory Issued.
Active Warnings
General Flood Advisory